martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Where did it originate, and that is the dance?

The origin of the word dance is uncertain. However, there is the Italian word "dance", and in French the term "danse". It appears that these voices had been the Spanish, with the same meaning in the contemporary sense.
Some propose that comes from the English "dance", but the evidence is very poor, and did not seem at all that has been. Is considered beyond the French, there exist a similar term Hispano or Latino origin.

Dance and dance is an art form where the movement of the body, usually with music used as a form of expression, social interaction, for entertainment, artistic or religious. It is the movement in space that is made with a part or the whole body of the performer, with a certain beat or rhythm to reflect individual feelings, or symbols of culture and society.

(Kichwa indigenous dance)

The origin of this dance comes from the indigenous Kichwa peoples found throughout the territory of Chile to Colombia. Indigenous borderless consider all cultural manifestations, including, dance and song.


It's a traditional song of the lands of the southern Andes of Colombia, is specific to the department of Nariño. It is a tune of war, therefore cheerful, but the nostalgic time. The use of the term "Guaneña" quickly became generalized to mark as such all willed and independent woman

The Quadrille

  Hailing from Scotland, where the former was called "Country-Dance" or Dance Aldeana Rustica. From there he went to England where he was enriched by influences courtesans and acquired a complete and spectacular choreography, at times resembling the classic "Gang". The song, born of very rhythmic valseado completely disappeared upon reaching our lands. In Choco, Antioquia and the West will be printed a syncopated melody, more in tune with the tastes of the mulatto and black, being played exclusively for dancing.


Currulao made his entrance Cartagena in the seventeenth century, where it is mentioned as "Slave Dance", a definition which lasted long.
However today Currulao is tune and exclusive dance of the Colombian Pacific coast to the point of being the tune base or typical dance of the area today, ie, all the Chocó and the western half of the departments of Valle, Cauca and Nariño. All these regions are the influence of early life that make cores black population.

The Cumbia

 Derived from the African word "devolves" meaning fun or party. It is a Colombian rhythm par excellence, whose origin seems to date around the eighteenth century. Choreography is defined as a dance of seduction, in which women assume a submissive attitude while the man dances around seducing women .... for it uses a bunch of candles to chase it away so the torch moving in circles their partner.

The Mapalé

Mapalé is the name of a fish and the name of a drum. Dancing itself marked African descent in the Caribbean coast. It is said that this dance was the song and dance of fishermen work was performed, accompanied by drums, and fun in the evening to end your day. Watching her today, it appears that transformed labor activity of erotic ecstasy. The way it is danced today differs from what is narrated by the chroniclers.

The Fandango

The origin dates back to Fandango coexistence (S.-XVIII) of the pre-Columbian, Spanish and African cultures; and it is curious to note that the word "fandango" is not only the result of Andalusia, but African roots ("Fundanga ') and indigenous Nahuatl and Quechua.
In Colombia has a major presence in the Atlantic coast. It is a popular street dance, and refers to the act of dancing at carnivals together with non-traditional wind instruments.


Sauce is a genre of Latin American music, which emerged in New York. Latin American immigrants, especially from Cuba and Puerto Rico, 70 mixed traditional Latin rhythms with elements of jazz such as the mambo and the cha-cha-cha. They got back to music with various percussion instruments.


Street dance known in the departments of Cesar and Magdalena since 1885 as a regional expression of party atmosphere, moving at moderate rhythmic hips. You dance with loose couples. The attitude of both women and men is vivacity.
Andean Region

The Bambuco

  Its origin is mestizo, then combines the melodies of Indian tradition and various rhythms, including quite possibly the Basques. It is the most important and representative of Colombian folklore for its enormous range that covers more than thirteen departments Andean musical and choreographic expression.

The Sanjuanero

  It is the way of partying and ajoropada Bambuco. The Sanjuanero Huila is the track and the most representative dance of Huila. Correctly identifies the Festival of San Pedro. It is the highest cultural expression of Huila to the whole world. For the elegance of dance and the spectacular costumes has been listed as one of the most beautiful dances of America.

The Whirlwind

  It is a dance where there is the suggestion that the songs travel some tribes, such as the Yuco-motilón of the Serrania de Perija contain rhythmic cells that might have given rise to the beat of the vortex, which is nothing but the measure of "Indian trot" which indigenous and mestizo use for their wanderings and trips, pilgrimages and processions through the mountains.
To the tune peasants express their religious feelings, their loves, and description of the landscape in a simple way.


This dance has European roots which were waltzes and ballroom dancing in Colombia dates back to colonial times adapted to local contexts and receiving influences from other dances like bambuco. Some of their steps are goaded, ride, valsado, flirting turns women topped with twist waist, standing up

El origen de la palabra danza es incierto. No obstante, en italiano existe la palabra “danza”, y en francés el término “danse”. Todo indica que de estas voces había pasado al español, con idéntico significado a la acepción contemporánea.
Algunos proponen que proviene del inglés “dance”, pero la evidencia es muy pobre, y no parece en absoluto que haya sido así. Se considera que más allá del francés, hubo de existir un término similar de origen hispanoárabe o latino.

La danza o el baile es una forma de arte en donde se utiliza el movimiento del cuerpo, usualmente con música, como una forma de expresión, de interacción social, con fines de entretenimiento, artístico o religioso. Es el movimiento en el espacio que se realiza con una parte o todo el cuerpo del ejecutante, con cierto compás o ritmo como expresión de sentimientos individuales, o de símbolos de la cultura y la sociedad. 

El Bambuco

 Su origen es mestizo, pues conjuga las melodías de tradición indígena y ritmos varios, entre ellos, muy posiblemente los vascos. Es la expresión musical y coreográfica más importante y representativa del folklore colombiano por su enorme dispersión que cubre más de trece departamentos de la región andina.

El Sanjuanero

 Es la forma ajoropada y fiestera del Bambuco. El Sanjuanero huilense es la pieza musical y el baile más representativo del Huila. Identifica a plenitud las Fiestas de San Pedro. Es la máxima expresión cultural del Huila ante el mundo entero. Por la elegancia del baile y la vistosidad del vestuario ha sido catalogado como uno de los bailes más hermosos de América.

El Torbellino

 Es una danza donde hay la sugestión de que los cantos de viaje de algunas tribus, como los de la Yuco-motilón de la serranía de Perijá, contienen células rítmicas que podrían haber dado origen al compás del torbellino, que no es otra cosa sino la medida del "trotecito de indio", que indígenas y mestizos usan para sus correrías y viajes, peregrinaciones y romerías por las montañas.
Con la melodía los campesinos expresan en forma sencilla sus sentimientos religiosos, sus amores, y la descripción del paisaje.


Este baile tiene raíces europeas donde los valses eran los bailes de salón y en Colombia se remonta a la época de la Colonia adaptándose al contexto local y recibiendo influencias de otros bailes como el bambuco.  Algunos de sus pasos son: Toreado, paseo, valsado, coqueteo, vueltas de la mujer, cintura rematando con giro, levantado de pie.